
The B2F platform has been built according to a technical service architecture (SOA), which allow to easily integrate the functions and processes of the portal with other Web platforms.
To optimize integration with e-commerce platform it has been setup a special process for the customer. Once the shopping cart of the assets to be purchased has been finalized, a “rental” button (or other financial solution if applicable) is accessible as an alternative payment method within the payment gateway. Alternative services can also be selected according to certain parameters such as the type of customer (consumer or company) and the content of the shopping cart with related assets (total value of assets in comparison with related categories).
Several options can be provided at this stage, giving the customer the option to "play" with some parameters such as contract duration or frequency of the payments.

After setting out the bank details, the subsequent finalization of the proposal is optimized through electronic signature feature of contracts and credit scoring (according to the policies of the Financial Partners involved). By signing the contract online, the seller may proceed with the delivery of assets, benefiting from immediate payment of the amount of supply, avoiding the typical commissions of other forms of payment such as credit cards.
B2F also provides reporting to monitor the maturity of the signed lease agreements, to carry out any commercial activities to proposed renewals of assets with a new supply ("repeat business").

Also the customer benefits from important advantages, considering in particular the medium-term payment of the supply and related tax deduction.
B2F provides constant technological support, both during set-up and integration with the e-commerce site and after the activation of the service into production. It guarantees the continuity of the service resolving any operational issues with the support also of an integrated help desk portal.

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